For teeth and bones
Calcium is the main component of your cat's bones and teeth, so it is needed for a healthy diet. Calcium ensures that the cells in your pet's body react to the stimulation of hormones, for example. If the cat receives too little calcium, bound calcium is released from the bones to meet the natural requirement. The consequences can be bone fractures, inflammation of the pancreas or even kidney failure.
Phosphorus is the second most important component of teeth and bones and ensures cell health, energy use and also fatty acid transport. Phosphorus from animal sources - i.e. mainly meat - can be better utilised than that from plant sources. But be careful: Too high a phosphorus concentration causes severe kidney damage. If your cat already has kidney problems, it is important to keep the phosphorus level in the food low.
Studies and analyses of cat food show that low-quality cat food contains too high a concentration of calcium and phosphorus. This damages the cat's kidneys in the long-term and makes it chronically ill.
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