Cat breeds: a profile of the most popular breeds

verschiedene Katzenrassen sitzen in einer Reiheverschiedene Katzenrassen sitzen in einer Reihe

Felis catus, the domesticated descendant of the African wildcat, is the most popular pet in the EU. In 2022, the number of pet cats in Germany alone was 15.2 million. Cats and humans share a long, very eventful history together. Humans have always been fascinated by cats. From the very beginning, our feline friends have helped with pest control, provided closeness and warmth, and have been admired, adored and feared over the millennia. 

From wild cats to domestic cats

Around 10,000 years ago, African wildcats originally began living in close proximity to humans and – in typical feline fashion – domesticated themselves. As opportunistic hunters, the ancestors of our domestic cats sought the proximity of humans and in turn, their hunting skills kept pests at bay. For a long time, these cats hardly differed from their wild ancestors in terms of genetics. However, both cat species could be recognised by their tabby coat pattern, typical of domesticated cats (patterned, spotted, blotched, striped). 

From domestic cats to pedigree cats

Until the 19th century, short-haired domestic cats were the most common type of cat. Then people became more and more interested in selective breeding and developing cat breeds. Pedigree cats and their breeding became increasingly popular. The first pedigree cat show took place in 1871 and since then, many great cat breeds have been bred. 

There are now a large number of wonderful cat breeds. In addition to short-haired domestic cats, cats now come in different sizes, colours, coat patterns and with different character traits. Breeding associations like the Fédération Internationale Feline and the World Cat Federation recognise between forty and ninety-two cat breeds. These include big cats, small cats, cats with particularly long and thick fur, cats with curly fur and even cats without fur. That being said, the different cat breeds are not only impressive because of their typical appearance, but also because of their distinctive character traits. 

The many cat breeds differ from each other in some important ways: 

  • Physique and stature: there are rather small and petite cat breeds, such as the rather dainty Siamese cat; or large cat breeds such as the Maine Coon; certain characteristics such as a flat face or large ears can also differ
  • Coat: the coats of different breeds of cats can be short, medium or long. There are even hairless cat breeds and different coat textures
  • Personality or character: every cat is an individual, but there are breed-specific tendencies, some cat breeds are more active, playful and full of energy, while others are more calm and cuddly
  • Grooming requirements: grooming requirements vary greatly and usually depend on coat length and hair structure; some pedigree cats require very intensive grooming  
  • Activity level: some cat breeds are particularly active and need a lot of exercise and activity, others tend to be more relaxed and leisurely 

When choosing a cat breed, it all depends on your own preferences and lifestyle. Your cat should suit you so that you and your feline friend can be happy together. 


Here are the ten most popular cat breeds:

  1. British Shorthair
  2. Maine Coon
  3. Norwegian Forest Cat
  4. Bengal Cat
  5. Siamese Cat
  6. Ragdoll Cat
  7. Persian Cat
  8. Savannah Cat
  9. Birman Cat
  10. Domestic Cat

British Shorthair

Appearance and character: the British Shorthair is a medium-sized cat breed with a strong build and a dense, short coat. They have a round face with large round eyes and small ears. In terms of personality, the British Shorthair is calm, relaxed and affectionate. They are known for their patient nature and love to be stroked. This cat breed is easygoing and adaptable

Particularly suitable for: people who want a calm and even-tempered cat that does not require a lot of grooming 

katze trinkt von einem wasserhahnkatze trinkt von einem wasserhahn
katze trinkt von einem wasserhahnkatze trinkt von einem wasserhahn

Maine Coon

Appearance and character: Originally from Canada, the Maine Coon is one of the largest cat breeds and has an imposing appearance. It has a distinctive face with large ears and striking eyes. The Maine Coon is friendly, playful and sociable. It has a long, silky coat with tufts of hair on the ears

Particularly suitable for: people who want a playful and exuberant cat and are not afraid of grooming

Norwegian Forest Cat

Appearance and character: the Norwegian Forest Cat (also known as Norsk Skogkatt) is an impressive and resilient breed of cat from the forests of Norway. It is large and muscular, with a water-repellent coat, a triangular face, large ears and striking eyes. The Norwegian Forest Cat is independent, intelligent and curious. 

Particularly suitable for: people who are looking for an independent but social pedigree cat that is active and playful, and are happy to invest time in grooming

katze trinkt von einem wasserhahnkatze trinkt von einem wasserhahn

Bengal Cat

Appearance and character: Bengal cats are exotic pedigree cats with a striking coat pattern. They are active, playful and full of energy. These intelligent cats have a strong hunting instinct and love to climb and jump. They are sociable, but also independent. Their coat requires regular brushing. 
Particularly suitable for: people who want a fascinating and energetic house cat

Siamese Cat

Appearance and character: Siamese cats are elegant pedigree cats with a slender build and striking blue eyes. Their short, silky fur comes in seal brown, blue, chocolate and lilac. They are known for their distinctive face with a long, straight nose and large ears. Siamese cats are sociable, curious and playful. They are very communicative and have a loud voice. 
Particularly suitable for: people who are looking for an active and social pedigree cat

Ragdoll Cat

Appearance and character: the Ragdoll is a large and gentle breed of cat with a silky, semi-long coat in various colours and patterns. They have striking blue eyes and a charming face. Ragdolls are affectionate, calm and patient. They are known for their relaxed nature and love being picked up. These cats are very social and enjoy the company of people and other animals.
Particularly suitable for: people who are looking for a loving and gentle companion and are not averse to grooming

Persian Cat

Appearance and character: the Persian cat is a breed of cat with a long and thick coat. They have a round face with large, round eyes and a short nose. Persian cats are calm, relaxed and affectionate in character. They are known for their gentle nature and enjoy being pampered. These cats tend to be independent and do not need much exercise. 
Particularly suitable for: people who are looking for a calm, relaxed and cuddly pedigree cat and want to spend time grooming

Savannah Cat

Appearance and character: the Savannah cat is the result of a cross between a Siamese cat and a wild cat (the Serval). This exotic cat breed has a striking appearance. They have a slender, muscular build and a short, spotted coat in various colours. Their most striking features are their large ears and long legs. Savannah cats are active, curious and playful. They have a strong hunting instinct and need a lot of mental and physical activity. Savannah cats are very intelligent and can learn tricks. 
Particularly suitable for: people who are experienced cat owners and are looking for a demanding and very active pedigree cat and have plenty of time and space

Birman Cat

Appearance and character: the Birman cat, also known as the Sacred Cat of Burma, is a medium-sized cat breed with a silky, semi-long coat in various colours. It has striking blue eyes and a charming face with a striking colour point face. In terms of personality, the Birman is loving, calm and gentle. They are known for their friendly nature and love to be stroked. They are very social and enjoy the company of humans and other animals. 
Particularly suitable for: people who are looking for a loving, affectionate and adaptable pedigree cat and can spare time for grooming

Domestic Cat

Appearance and character: the domestic cat is a very diverse breed and comes in a variety of colours and patterns. They are usually medium to small in size and domestic cats are mostly short-haired. In terms of character, domestic cats are independent, curious and adaptable. They can be both playful as well as calm and adaptable. These cats are usually very social and enjoy the company of people. 
Particularly suitable for: people who are looking for a low-maintenance, resilient and friendly feline 


In addition to these wonderful and popular cat breeds, there are also other great cat species and fantastic cross-breeds. Every cat has its own unique personality, individual needs and preferences. But almost all cats can agree that CAT'S LOVE is delicious.